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One of the key strategic priorities for Central Desert is to build the capability and capacity of Prescribed Bodies Corporate (PBC).

When a native title determination is made, native title holders must establish a corporation called a Prescribed Bodies Corporate (PBC) to manage and protect their native title rights and interests. PBCs have obligations under the NTA, and Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Act) 2006 (CATSI Act).
A PBC is the first point of contact for government and other parties wishing to undertake activities on native title land. Members may wish for their corporation to undertake other work and projects.
Central Desert understands that each PBC is different and the approach to managing the corporation for members will depend on the size, structure, and culture of the PBC.
The approach we take is to support and enhance corporations to build capacity, this includes bringing governance and other business back to Native Title holders. We provide mentoring support in stages so clients can continue to advance at their own pace and in the direction of their own choosing.
Through the Central Desert Group clients have the opportunity to draw upon all capabilities in the team.
If you would like to chat to our PBC Services team to find out more, contact us